Top #20 Amazing Facts of the World you should know before you die-Geographic World

Top 20 Amazing Facts of the World you should  know before you die

#Amazing Facts of the World, #Facts

 Amazing Facts of the World you should know-Our earth is full of mysteries. These mysteries show their presence in any part of the World. Some of these are unknown and some are known. These known mysteries are regarded as Facts. There are a lot of mysteries counting not in hundreds but in thousands, are amazing and interesting. Some facts are even so ridiculous and unbelievable but are truth. Human eye is resistant to believe upon what they saw. If anyone just hears about these dopes, he will not believe until he saw with his naked eyes. In this discussion some of the scoops are discussed to increase your knowledge.


1-      Before the invention of telephone, Hello was not a general greeting. Thomas Edison persuaded the printers of the first phone books to make it the permitted greeting. Alexander Graham Bell contradicted with this but he did not succeeded

Amazing Facts of the World, #facts, #amazing

2-      The grave of Andy Warhol was live streamed in Andy Warhol’s museum in order to celebrate his 85th birthday.

Amazing Facts of the World, #facts, #amazing

3-      In 2006, a ridiculous try to sell New Zealand on EBay was made. Before viewing the situation people put price above 3000 $. But this was discarded by administration.

Amazing Facts of the World, selling New Zealand

4-      The shortest flight in the World remained 47 seconds.


Amazing Facts of the World, World shortest flight, 47 sec flight

5-      Swiss producers are trying to run on milk carton. Their utmost work is to change the colour of milk when its expiry date comes to end.

6-      Psychologists have observed that if a person just thinks to talk with a pretty girl, then there is more chance of him saying really, really stupid.

Amazing Facts of the World

7-      Liberia, Myanmar and the United States are the only countries not using metric system.

Amazing Facts of the World

8-      It would be a ridiculous but true fact that if cows are called by separate names, their capability to produce milk increases by 3.5%.

9-      Antarctica is the only subcontinent where no any spider exists.

Amazing Facts of the World

10-    Antonov An-225 Mriya is the biggest airplane in the world.  Even it can transfer a submarine from one place to another.

Amazing Facts of the World

11-    There is also an interesting fact that Crocodiles can climb on trees.

Amazing Facts of the World

12-    Normal age of sharks (fish) is about 20-30 years but it can be extend to 100 years in some cases.

13-    You must learn that human mouth produces 1litter saliva per day.

Amazing Facts of the World

14-    There are two disputed countries in the world which became President. These two personalities are Ronald Regan and Donald Trump.

Amazing Facts of the World

15-    In the very first beginning year of Coca-Cola Company, only 25 bottles were sold.

Amazing Facts of the World

16-    The peaceful country of the world is Iceland and there is no army there. All the prisons were sealed out because of having no any criminal.

Amazing Facts of the World

17-    There is a swimming pool in Australia. The interesting fact is that this pool is full of beer instead of water.

Amazing Facts of the World

18-    The FBI started investigation in the song “Louie Louie”. They thought its lyrics dirty. But the case was discarded having no dirty content.

Amazing Facts of the World

19-    The first ever text message was sent in 1992 and this text was “Merry Christmas”.

Amazing Facts of the World

-    You would not believe this amazing figure that the longest film of the world is “Modern Time Forever” and its duration is 240 hours.                    

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